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Board Members

Board Members

Our District is governed by a 5-member board of directors who are elected to serve by the people. Board members are elected and serve in four-year terms. The Soledad Community Health Care District is a public service agency authorized by California state law to provide community and population health services. The next election is November 2024. (Click each board Memeber's picture to learn more about them)

Image description: A photograph of Graig Stephens, standing and smiling. He is wearing glasses, a suit, and has white hair.
President, Graig Stephens
Image description: A photograph of Maggie Campa, smiling with straight brown hair of mid-shoulder length, wearing red.
Vice President, Maggie Campa


Image description: A photograph of Anne Trebino, smiling, with shoulder-length wavy red hair, wearing a grey sweater.
Treasurer, Anne Trebino
Image description: A photograph of Rosemary Guidotti, smiling, wearing glasses with short brown hair, and dressed in a blue and black patterned blouse.
Secretary, Rosemary Guidotti
Image description: A photograph of Michael D. 'Max' Schell, smiling, wearing glasses and a patterned tie, dressed in a suit.
Board Member, Michael D. "Max" Schell
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